
This blog is bananas.

I am embarrassed by how much I like that Gwen Stefani "Hollaback Girl" song. So last night we had the talk with our youth pastor and his wife to tell them we're leaving the church. It has been a long, hard decision, and it broke my heart to make it official. They of course took it really well, because they are awesome. They also said they'd had similar issues at a church they used to go to, so they were completely understanding. If we could take them and the kids with us somewhere, we would do it in a heartbeat. But the truth is, we've had trouble with Christ Church for a while now. We just have a completely different idea of what church should be about, and it's time for us to find a place that we agree with. Where that is, we don't know. We love it at Grace Point, and they seem to have the same ideas we do about church - that it should be serving the lost and lonely, the widows and orphans. Not itself. We shouldn't be looking to recruit members from other churches but reaching out to those who know nothing about Jesus. We're still torn about Steve and Jessi and the Rock... we really believe in what they are doing, but does that mean we should join up with them? I want to be careful that we don't choose that just because they are our friends. Although I can't imagine that's a bad reason to choose a church. I am torn. (Just like Natalie Imbruglia.) But stepping away from Christ Church will certainly make it easier for us to commit to making a decision. Tonight? We Weez.


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