
Things About Me - Part 1

My sister and I are participating in a blog challenge. For the next four days, we will be writing a list of 25 things about ourselves. At the end of the week, we'll each have compliled a 100 Things About Me list. Check her out!
  1. I am addicted to Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate graham crackers crushed up in it.
  2. I am glad I was born in 1980 because it’s always easy to remember how old I am. 2005? I turn 25. Easy peasy.
  3. When I got my new cell phone the guy laughed at me because all I wanted was to be able to make and receive calls… he couldn’t understand that I had no desire to text message or take pictures or make home movies with my phone.
  4. I love that Outlook automatically capitalizes the letter I for you in email. I never hit the shift key correctly and end up capitalizing half the email.
  5. I have been married for three years, one month and 4 days.
  6. My favorite movies are Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion and Almost Famous.
  7. My favorite TV show is Curb Your Enthusiasm, followed closely by America’s Test Kitchen on PBS.
  8. I am hideously self-conscious at work about how I look at work… I feel like my job is too cool for me.
  9. I call my husband any time I successfully parallel park or back into a parking space.
  10. I do not call him when I do either of those things unsuccessfully.
  11. I am painfully picky about the newspaper. No one is allowed to touch any section of the paper until it’s been placed in the ‘discard’ pile. I take it apart, toss what I’m not interested in, and organize the rest from least interested to most. That way I get everything read, and my favorite parts are saved for last. If you try to take something out of the ‘not yet read’ pile, I cannot be held responsible for what happens.
  12. I really, really, really love thunderstorms.
  13. Fried food makes me very happy. Chicken fried steak, fried pickles, fried okra. Love it all.
  14. I am worried that an inordinate amount of my list will be centered on food subjects.
  15. I had a great childhood. My parents are fun and interesting; my sister is a wonderful friend and partner in crime. I have a major tendency to romanticize things, but we had a happy home growing up and to that I attribute my relatively well-adjusted status today. That status will probably be in serious question by the end of this list.
  16. I only like blue ink and ultra fine point Sharpies.
  17. I wear the same watch, rings and earrings every day. I never wear necklaces. I drool over jewelry in magazines but never buy it for myself. I don’t even want the nice stuff… I want cheap trendy stuff. But for some reason when it comes time to buy it I always chicken out and end up with nothing.
  18. My favorite pair of shoes I own is lavender, pointy-toed flats with a bow at the toe. Super cute, and completelly unlike anything else I have ever bought.
  19. I hate to play spades – the bidding process stresses me out. I always feel like whatever I play, my partner is annoyed with me. This is hardly ever the actual case.
  20. I have only been drunk once, and I use that term loosely. I had a slight hangover the next day, but it wasn’t much. This was also one of the very first times I drank alcohol, at my friend’s sister’s wedding. I tried several things that night, and ended up drinking almost an entire bottle of champagne by myself.
  21. I also caught the bouquet at that wedding, and got engaged less than two weeks later.
  22. If I could do it again, I would have a much smaller wedding with much better food and music.
  23. I am terrified of having children.
  24. I am slowly expanding my cooking repartee. Whereas I used to have three things I would reliably and boringly bring to a party, now I have several dishes to choose from that I know I can create and get good reviews.
  25. I want to live in an old house with creaky wood floors and a big yard with giant trees. A big porch on the front and a screened in porch in the back. A pool. I want the outside to be completely old school and the inside to be totally modern.


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