Happy birthday, Chelsea!
Chelsea’s a girl who’s now 22
My sister, she is, and a faboo one too
She loves Harry Potter, Quidditch and Ron
She likes to read books sitting out on the lawn
She’s grown up so fast, how quick the time flies
She once wore pink glasses to help with her eyes
She’s funny and silly, a smart one is she
But at DDR she could never beat me
At work she’s a host, helps people eat steak
With this gift a fine steak she will soon learn to make
Someday she’ll take pictures to earn her some dough
To travel the world, oh the places she’ll go
I’m so glad I know her, she makes my heart smile
I wish she would come here and hang for a while
I hope that this birthday’s the best she’s had yet
And this really bad poem she won’t soon forget.
Happy Birthday, Chelsea! Sorry for the lame poem. Sometimes it is glaringly obvious who my father is. I love you, girlfriend!

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