
Ten Reasons Why I Like Aaron.

  1. He laughs hysterically at his own jokes.
  2. He continues to speak the spanglish-ish language we made up on our honeymoon, three years later.
  3. He is passionate about his job and his industry.
  4. He makes me dinner.
  5. He plans in advance the music he will listen to at work, and gets especially excited about “James Brown Day”.
  6. He calls everything “too sexy”, a la the Antonio Banderas SNL skit.
  7. He understands that his birthday gifts are as much about me as they are him, and knows to get appropriately excited about them.
  8. He knows how to work with junior high kids. He talks to them like adults and respects their opinions and ideas. He is never condescending toward them.
  9. His taste in music: 90% excellent, 8% moderate and 2& questionable.
  10. He is my favorite of all the people everywhere. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY!

This is what happens when you never let me take your picture.
You get Dancing Man.


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