Anthropologie hates me.
As a general rule, I am cheap. I’m always looking for a deal, and I rarely buy anything that isn’t on sale. But every now and then, I splurge.
In the upcoming months I have at least two dressy occasions – Steffanie’s rehearsal dinner and an after party for a certain lame-o awards show. As I have been known to take AGES to find an outfit for any event, I decided to go ahead and start the search for the perfect dress that will be stunning and fabulous for both occasions.
And I found it. It was full price, but I didn’t care. It was gorgeous. But I hesitated. What if it goes on sale between now and April? I decided to hold off and think about it.
So today I go back to the website to look at it again and send it to my mom to see what she thinks. And it’s gone. GONE. Not on sale, not full price, not anywhere. Straight up gone.
Where did it go, people? Where?
This is it. If you happen to see it wandering the streets, searching desperately for its rightful owner (ME), snatch it up. I need it oh so desperately.

I can't see the picture :(
Didn't you learn anything while living with your mother? If you like it.. wait for the sale.. If you love it... SPLURGE!! xxoxo
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