Honey I'll live with you for the rest of my life...
We arrived late Friday night, and most of the group went to bed. Not us, though. We are stay-up-laters! It’s vacation, people! You play pool until 3am and sleep till 11! So we did, except for the sleep till 11 part. We heard everyone up and moving around 9, and felt like bums so we got up. We’re not rebels, we just play them on vacation.

Saturday was spent reading, napping, hottubbing, playing pool (and Georgia Satellites) and watching TV. And eating. Did I mention the eating? There was a Lot. Of. Eating. At one point Aaron went outside and someone from a neighboring cabin yelled, “What it is, ho!” I don’t know what that means, but I’ve said it no less than 400 times in the past three days. Saturday night we grilled steaks on the teeny-tiny grill and had a wonderful dinner, followed by… sleep. For most of the crowd. Again – not us! This time we took advantage of the giant sheet-turned-screen that was set up with the projector our friends brought. We watched a movie and a few episodes of Entourage before finally turning in. REBELS. Don’t mess with us.
Sunday – football time! I wasn’t nearly as excited as I sound. I like football, and the more I understand about the game the more I enjoy watching it. But, truth be told, if the Cowboys aren’t involved I’m not terribly interested. I was, however, the only one in the cabin pulling for the Seahawks. And with good reason – a few years ago I decided I needed my own, non-Cowboy team. I picked Seattle because I hear it’s a cool city but I’ve never been. Four years later? SUPER BOWL. I rule at football picking.
The commercials were alright… I laughed at the Bud commercials, and the ones with the “Don’t Judge Too Quickly” tagline. I, of course, was really there for the food. Burgers, queso with sausage, pretzels and beer. These are the joys of my life. That, and Grey’s Anatomy. Holy pajamas. (Did we stay up late? Oh yes we did. There’s not much cooler than being in a hot tub at night while it’s snowing.)
We packed up Monday morning and headed home, with a quick stop into downtown G-burg for a kissing fish for my mom. I miraculously remembered the exact location of the store that sells the kissing fish, fought road construction to get there, and… the store was closed. Sorry mom.
Overall, it was a nice long relaxing weekend. For having planned it six months ago, it couldn’t have come at a better time for us. We desperately needed the break. And the jukebox.
Glad it wasn't another North Carolina trip. :-)
I picture you telling this story at a rate of about 80 mph.
Glad you had fun!
That's the sound of my insane jealousy. HOT TUB. BALCONIES. FOOSBALL.
Augh! North Carolina! With the cold and the driving and the bingo!
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