I live in my own mind...
I came in to work on a Sunday. I kind of hate that. But I got some stuff done that will make my weeks run much more smoothly, so yay.
Anyway, I’ve got the TV on and I’m trying to find VH1 so I can watch Top 100 Teen Stars or Heartthrobs or Celebrity Kid Birthday Parties, and I pass by CMT. Now, CMT is always running downstairs in the lobby, and I try to tune it out as best I can. But as I pass it today, something caught my eye. Bonnie Raitt.
Y’all, I LOVE Bonnie Raitt. Freaking love her. I want to BE Bonnie Raitt. She is the coolest person on the earth. I want her to live at my house and sing to me all the livelong day.
So I stop, because Bonnie Raitt is singing and I can’t not watch. Then the camera pans over, and Lyle Lovett is onstage with her. LYLE LOVETT. Do you know who else I love, besides Bonnie Raitt? The Lylester.
Bonnie Raitt and Lyle Lovett are singing together. It is such a parade of awesomeness that it literally makes me want to cry. They’re doing her songs. They’re doing his songs. They’re doing Aretha Franklin songs. They are killing me with all the fabulous.
Thankfully, CMT is just like every other music station. They replay the same shows over and over and over again. So when it comes on again on Wednesday at 5, I’ll be ready with my high-tech cutting edge VHS tape. I will own this performance. And watch it and learn it and love it. Because Bonnie and Lyle, man. It doesn’t get better than that.
Wow, I'm here in the office as well. However, I'm not watching any TV. I just have my iTunes library to soothe my savage beast ... at least I'm getting overtime for this crap!!!
an office with CMT on all the time? can i get a job there???? they rerun the dukes of hazzard in the afternoons!
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