I was cryin' when I met you...
I’ve never been a big Oprah fan. I remember watching a “My Favorite Things” episode with my dad one day, and his comment that Oprah must be the antichrist, because “no one should make people react like that.” I hear what he’s saying. I’m down with that. Every now and then, I’ll flip it on in the afternoon to see what she’s talking about. I do love a good celebrity guest, or makeover show, or favorite things episode. (Sorry dad.) Overall, though? Meh. I feel like she brings on celebrity guests just to tell them what she thinks of them and by the way did you know she used to be poor? But y’all, when she pulls an unexpecting audience member onstage to read the teleprompter introducing Mary J. Blige, and said audience member can barely get the words out because Mary J. is her all-time favorite singer and an inspiration to her life and then she comes on stage and the girl is FLIPPING OUT with excitement so much that is makes Mary J. and Oprah cry? That’s good stuff. Even though Oprah’s tears are probably fake. Because mine? Aren’t.
i would have never tagged you as a mary j. fan. :)
i agree with your dad, its weird to see so many of those people seem to be focused on worshipping oprah. its like she's their ultimate leader or something. i don't know when the last time i have seen an episode, but i did enjoy seeing the clips of tom cruise. and i liked your breakdown of why she has celebrity guests on there. haha.
I know. I like it when Oprah makes me cry.
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