
I am something something something...

The default song in my head lately has been “Vindicated” by Dashboard Confessional. This is strange, because I’m pretty sure I’ve only heard the song once, a couple of summers ago on that concert show Pepsi used to do. I remember liking the chorus and being impressed that the kids knew all the words to what he said was a new song. I also remember hitting Rhapsody the next day to hear it again and it not being available. Currently they only offer a 30-second clip, so I’m sure I haven’t heard it there. I don’t listen to any radio stations that would play Dashboard. In fact, the only other Dashboard song I know is the one about how your hair is everywhere. And even that song is only in my head because I sing it to Miles all the time. I’m clearly not a big Dashboard fan. I mean, I get the appeal. I worked with teenagers. But at the end of the day, he kind of sounds like a guy who is a little too old to be whining about his problems all the time. I don’t have time for that. And yet, my brain insists on holding onto this song. I don’t even know the words, really… in my head it goes, “I am vindicated/I am something something something/ I am blah de blah la la la doobee doobee doobee do”. I had to use the 30-second clip I have available to me to see if I even had the melody correct. (I did, in the off chance that you both know the song and can’t decipher my blah blahs.) Where is this song coming from? Why is my brain obsessed with it?


At 3/24/2006 12:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you seen spiderman 2 recently? its the main song from the soundtrack. that's where i heard it first, a video on mtv that had a lot of spiderman 2 stuff.

i also agree with you about dashboard. i have a couple of their (his?) cds and i get the feeling that he needs to just suck it up. there's angst and then there's just straight up whining.


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