Round here we stay up very very very very late...
I can really work myself into a tizzy.
Last night as I was falling asleep, it occurred to me that I had sent out a package from work yesterday that was missing some pieces. The missing pieces were entirely my fault; I had just plain forgotten to include them. I wasn’t sure if the recipient needed the package ASAP or if it was something I could rectify by sending the rest today. In my semi-conscious state, I managed to convince myself that this was of ultimate importance, worthy of being fired over, and started working on ways to explain what happened and get things taken care of before anyone realized what had happened. These plans included lies of varying degrees and blaming the mishap on everyone from the receptionist to Fed Ex to the guy who fries up the fish down at McCreary’s. If I was going down, they were all going down with me.
I kind of started to panic. Then I started getting upset that I work in a job that doesn’t mean anything and gets me all worked up over something so dumb. I decided the best thing to do would be to just go to sleep, but everyone knows that the last thing you’re going to do when you TRY to fall asleep is actually fall asleep.
Aaron and Miles, thankfully, were blissfully unaware of the situation.
I guess I finally fell asleep, but I woke up around 2:30, and again at 4:45, and again at 6:15. Each time it took me forever to fall asleep again, and my brain was racing the entire time. What if they did fire me? What kind of job would I look for? How would I explain why I left my last job? What would my parents think? When I woke up for good at seven, I was trying to figure out when my boss on the east coast would be getting up to go to the gym so I could call her and tell her what was going on. (What I planned to tell her depended on what time it was: the truth or one of my fabulously intricate lies.)
I made it to work without incident or embarrassing phone call, but I still had that knot in my stomach that something was about to go horribly wrong. I emailed my boss and the recipient of the package to explain what had happened (I even told the truth!) and see what they wanted me to do.
Of course, there was no rush on the package and I could send the missing pieces today with no problem. They wouldn’t have even known they were missing if I hadn’t brought it up. No big deal. Which, if I had been thinking (or at least fully awake at any point), I would have known all along.
I spent ten hours completely freaking myself out for absolutely no reason. At all.
I need to go back to bed.
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